Shower of Sweet Nothings


Shower of Sweet Nothings

It is easy to believe that once love is lost from one specific source, whether it is through death, geography, or other circumstances gone awry, it is just gone, and lonely exile from such a connection is all that will ensue. Compelling as those feelings might be at the time, they are simply untrue. But whether heartache dictates the mood of the day, or the march of life takes a lighter pulse, it is no stretch of drama to fall into a false belief that we are living life in some state of isolation, and feel as though we are not always connected to that wellspring of nourishment.But I think we can do better than that.The Shower of Sweet Nothings was created to show that love is, in fact, one of the greatest untracked and unaccounted for resources in this world, and what we need to do is democratize access to it.  This project is in essence a vessel that holds and redistributes the love of strangers, to strangers.These Sweet Nothings come via a public invitation to people via craigslist ads, flyers, signs small and large, asking them to call in to a toll free number and leave an anonymous message of the nicest, most loving things they had ever been told or had ever said to anyone. It could be something they had said to or heard from their sweetheart, child, parent, spouse, friend – recently or long ago, whether they are now alive or dead. All confessions and recollections of love were welcome.

These recordings are here now, redistributed as a Shower of Sweet Nothings, so that strangers can to walk into a small space and have this precious resource shared with them from all the places that it actually exists – in the hearts and minds of people we don’t know.

More Sweet Nothings are perpetually being added to this project, so please call in and contribute yours.  Because we all possess something that the rest of us need.

My message at the time read:

The idea that love is scarce in this world is absurd and I need your help to prove it.

Call 1-800-972-0401 and leave a message with a sweet, loving thing you’ve been told or have said to someone.

The world needs your Sweet Nothing now!


Click below to hear the Sweet Nothings sound feed in it’s current form.  This is what folks heard when they went inside the sound booth pictured at left.


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